did i fail to mention turkeys?

I don’t know how I haven’t mentioned anything up to now about the turkeys. So on the first Chick Day, I picked up 3 turkeys as well. I am not the hugest fan of turkey, Thanksgiving is usually enough, maybe another time during the…

and then there were four

I have been getting ahead of myself with the chickens. But I have goat updates. A couple of months ago I opened up Craigslist again, and yes, there were a pair of ADGA registered doelings. They were about 3 hours away, so a real…

consolidate trips

Since we were heading to the hatchery for the meat birds, why not pick up some additional layers? In our first layer hatchery run, they didn’t give us one of the breeds I had wanted and since then I saw another breed I must…

meat birds

Meat Birds. Two weeks after my laying hens I picked up my first batch of 12 meat birds. These are the birds that won’t become part of the permanent flock, rather they are being raised for meat. This is a tough one for me….


But it wasn’t just goats that were being added to the farm. The very next Wednesday was our first Chick Day. And once again, such a learning curve. There was a hatchery not so far away from us that I had selected to be…

why stop at one when you can have two?

So Friday night, FarmBoy and I picked up Bernice. She pretty much freaked out. She learned real quick about electric fences, and she hates them. But it didn’t stop her from busting right through it, hot or not. Because of all of the stress,…

the best laid plans …

So there is going to be a farm. Great. Now what. I asked FarmBoy what we wanted to do with this farm. He said goats. I just fell off my chair. He wants to raise goats, milk them, make cheeses and the like and…

and then there was a farm

So how did this all begin? I have lived in a city all my life. When I was growing up, my mom was always the adventurous one. Laws and ordinances were just merely suggestions. We moved to a small suburb in Wisconsin. And mom…